Tag Archives: script
Python: Crazy Interview Questions

1. The default initializer gotcha

Suppose you are in an interview setting and you are being handed a piece of paper with the following Python code written on it:

def foo(bar=[])

No explanations, no nothing, just the obvious question: what is wrong with the code above?

… nothing in particular. Yes, nothing is wrong with the code above, it is legal Python code (apart from missing the ending “:” and that no function body is given). Who am I to judge the particular use case – after all, a bug is defined as code that does not run the way the programmer expected it to.

But suppose we add more code to that function definition:

def foo(bar=[]):
  return bar

Now things are getting messier. What would a “normal” Python programmer expect to be the result of calling foo() with no arguments for 3 times in a row?

foo()	# [1]
foo()	# [1]
foo()	# [1]

Nope. The real result is more similar to:

foo()	# [1]
foo()	# [1, 1]
foo()	# [1, 1, 1]

How is this even possible? The issue is with how default initializers for function arguments are handled in Python and this is completely different from C/C++. The scope of the default initializer is not the function body but rather the global scope (something similar to the static variables in C/C++). And static variables are good for caching and keeping state. But yes, I believe we had enough of this.

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Linux performance monitoring (an introduction)

1. Classification

Before getting into action, let’s split the “performance” problem in a couple of boxes, as the concept itself is quite general. First, deciding what we want to monitor (an entire system? a particular application?) – and second, deciding on what type of performance monitoring do we require (stats collection by the kernel? in-depth analysis?). Based on this particular classification, we may end up with 4 categories, each with its particular software selection:


Stats (Counters)

Tracing / Profiling / Debugging

 System Wide

 Per Process


  • netstat offers much more info beyond statistics on interface / protocol and may also be used to monitor individual connections.

  • dtrace and SystemTap can also trace individual applications.

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Python Cheat Sheet: Lambdas

Did you think that list comprehensions were a complicated thing? I suspect you’ll think again about complicated things in Python while reading this text.


By definition, lambdas are short functions defined in place, used for small data processing tasks. There are 2 reasons on why they should be used:

  • Execution speed – they can be optimized by compilers, first by removing an actual function call, next by opening the door for more optimizations through any possible internal (by the compiler) code re-arrangement;

  • Writing less code.

A Python example of a n square lambda:

g = lambda x: x ** 2	# e.g. g(3) yields a value of 9

Lambdas are usually used in conjunction with data processing functions such as filter, map and reduce.


If we want to select only a portion of some input, the filter function comes to its best use in combination with a lambda:

print filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, xrange(0, 11))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Applying a transformation function to the entire input is a job for map:

print map(lambda x: x * 2, xrange(0, 11))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]

Processing the entire input in order to get a single final result is a job for reduce. Please note that 2 arguments are required for the lambda function used for processing; the first 2 elements are used in the beginning, then the lambda result and the next element are used until the input is exhausted.

print reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, xrange(0, 11))
55	# 1 + 2 + ... + 10

Now for some serious stuff:

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